Královský palác v Turíně, italsky Palazzo Reale di Torino, je budova v italském městě Turín, na náměstí Piazzetta Reale.
Palazzo Madama e Casaforte degli Acaja is a palace in Turin, Piedmont.
The Valentino Castle is a historic building in the northwestern Italian city of Turin.
Palazzo Carignano is a historical building in the centre of Turin, Italy, which houses the Museum of the Risorgimento.
The Villa della Regina is a palace in the city of Turin, Piedmont, Italy. It was originally built by the House of Savoy in the 17th century.
The Valentino Castle is a historic building in the northwestern Italian city of Turin.
Královský palác v Miláně je městský palác v Miláně. Sídlili zde mj. habsburští panovníci Lombardie.