Piazza Navona je malebné podlouhlé barokní náměstí v Římě, ve čtvrti Parione, asi 200 m západně od Pantheonu.
Fontána čtyř řek je název římské fontány vytvořené v letech 1648–1651 italským barokním sochařem a architektem Gianem Lorenzem Berninim.
The Fountain of Neptune is a fountain in Rome, Italy, located at the north end of the Piazza Navona.
Jedna z nejkrásnějších fontán v Římě, tato mramorová kašna, která se nachází na vrcholu kopce Janiculum, byla první velkou fontánou…
Fontana del Moro is a fountain located at the southern end of the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy.
The Fountains of St. Peter's Square are two fountains in St.
The Fontana del Pantheon was commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII and is located in the Piazza della Rotonda, Rome, in front of the Roman…
The Fontana della Piazza dei Quiriti is a fountain in the Piazza dei Quiriti in Rome, in the middle of the Prati rione.
The Fontana di Piazza Nicosia is a fountain in Rome, Italy, is the first of the modern fountains of Rome.
The Fountain in Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere is a fountain located in the square in front of the church of Santa Maria in Trastevere,…