Washingtonská univerzita, anglicky University of Washington, obvykle zkracováno na UW, Washington nebo neformálně UDub, je veřejná výzkumná…
Suzzallova knihovna je hlavní knihovnou University of Washington v Seattlu a pravděpodobně nejznámější budovou jejího kampusu.
The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture is a natural history museum on the campus of the University of Washington, in Seattle,…
Seattle University is a private Jesuit university in Seattle, Washington, United States.
Central Washington University, jejíž název je často zkracován na CWU, je státní univerzita v Ellensburgu ve státě Washington v USA.
The University of Puget Sound is a private liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington. It was founded in 1888.
Washington State University Vancouver also known as WSU Vancouver is a campus of Washington State University.
William H. Gates Hall is an academic building of the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. William H.
Friday Harbor Laboratories, is a marine biology field station of the University of Washington, located in Friday Harbor, San Juan Island,…