Die Kathedrale von Toledo, spanisch Catedral de Santa María de la Asunción de Toledo, ist die Kathedrale des Erzbistums Toledo in Toledo,…
San Juan de los Reyes ist ein Franziskanerkloster aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert in der spanischen Stadt Toledo.
The Iglesia de Santo Tomé is a church located in the historical center of the city of Toledo, and was founded after the reconquest of this…
The Iglesia de San Vicente is a medieval church located in Toledo, it appears as a parish already in 1125, although, there is documentation…
The earliest of El Greco paintings are to be seen there. It also holds what is believed to be his tomb.
The Cathedral of San Juan de Albacete is a Roman Catholic church located in Albacete, Spain.
La Iglesia de Santiago es una iglesia románica de finales del S.XII, y principios del S.XII que se levanta en medio del centro histórico de…
Die Kollegiatkirche Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor in der Stadt Talavera de la Reina im Westen der Provinz Toledo in der Autonomen…
The Church of la Asunción is a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic church located in Hellín, Spain.