Take your family to a maze with a number of mirrors located near Petrin lookout. It'll be a wonderful and funny experience for sure!
This open-air museum will take you back to the time of Great Moravia. See how people in this region lived in the 9th century!
Der Landek ist ein 280 m hoher Hügel in Tschechien. Er liegt vier Kilometer nördlich des Stadtzentrums auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Ostrava.
Amusement park in Prague, is situated in the territory of the Prague Fairground Výstaviště Praha in Prague-Bubeneč, nearby Holešovice.
Ein bergmännischer Familienpark mit interaktiven Spielen für Kinder jeden Alters.
Outdoor park with water streams and utilities to manipulate the water flow. Very attractive for children.