Das Tuol-Sleng-Genozid-Museum ist das ehemalige Gefängnis S-21 der Roten Khmer und dient der Erinnerung an die dort begangenen Verbrechen…
The National Museum of Cambodia is Cambodia's largest museum of cultural history and is the country's leading historical and archaeological…
Der nicht allzu fernen Vergangenheit Kambodschas gewidmet. Ein Augenöffner und ein wirklich faszinierendes historisches Museum.
Angkor National Museum is an archaeological museum dedicated to the collection, preservation and presentation of Angkorian artifacts, also…
Cambodian Cultural Village was a theme park and cultural museum in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
The War Museum Cambodia is located at Siem Reap in Cambodia, near National Highway No. 6 between the city of Siem Reap and the…