Das Museo del Oro ist ein Museum in Bogotá, Kolumbien.
This museum is located in the walled city and has various permanent exhibitions about the naval history of Colombia.
Das Casa de Moneda oder Casa de la Moneda in Kolumbiens Hauptstadt Bogotá ist ein historisches Gebäude aus dem 17.
This church is truly stunning! Not comparable with others! Its rich decorations are magnetic!
The Quinta de Bolivar is a colonial house in Bogota, Colombia, that served as a residence to Simon Bolivar in the capital after the war of…
The museum is made up of two connected buildings. It presents mainly works of Colombian avant garde artists.
A famous president, journalist and author of Colombian national anthem lived here. Now, it is a museum and a national monument.
The police of Columbia are definitely doing an important job - fighting crime. See their methods, projects, tactics...
Wenn Sie mehr über die karibische Region Kolumbien erfahren möchten, ist dies der richtige Ort für Sie.
This museum, consisting of three salons, exhibits mainly coins and golden artefacts of pre-Columbian cultures.
Der Parque Explora oder Explora Park ist ein interaktives Wissenschaftsmuseum in Medellín, Kolumbien.
The Museum of Modern Art of Medellín is a museum of modern art in the Colombian city of Medellín. It was founded in 1978.