Das Castillo de la Luz ist eine früher am Meer gelegene Festung im Norden von Las Palmas de Gran Canaria auf den Kanarischen Inseln.
Something like an open-air museum, this “village” complex designed by Néstor promotes the traditional life and crafts.
The Elder Museum of Science and Technology is a museum in Las Palmas, the capital city of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands.
Das Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno ist ein 1989 eröffnetes Kulturzentrum und Kunstmuseum in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Art gallery collecting and exhibiting works of Canarian painters. The main scope is on the symbolist painter Nestor.
Accordingly located in a former seat of Inquisition, this museum is dedicated to devotional art and manuscripts.