Eine Nichtregierungsorganisation mit dem Ziel, die Werke von Jorge Amado und die bahianische Kunst und Literatur im Allgemeinen zu erhalten.
The Dragão do Mar Center of Art And Culture is a government funded cultural center in Fortaleza, Ceará in Brazil.
The Museum of Modern Art of Bahia is a modern art museum located in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
The Ricardo Brennand Institute is a cultural institution located in the city of Recife, Brazil.
The Afro-Brazilian Museum in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, was inaugurated on 7 January 1982 by the then Director of the Center for Afro…
Forte de Santa Maria wurde im 17. Jahrhundert erbaut und befindet sich in der Nähe des Strandes Porto da Barra.
The amazing place is filled with huge dolls portraying a variety of famous personalities that seem very much alive! Well worth the visit.
The Forte dos Reis Magos or Fortaleza dos Reis Magos is a fortress located in the city of Natal in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do…
Inaugurated in 1983, the museum displays a memorial hall with several objects relating to the 18th and 19th century slavery in Brazil.
Fortaleza de Nossa Senhora da Assunção is a fort located in Fortaleza, Ceará in Brazil.
The museum houses a vast collection of local Pernambuco artists, such as Brannand, Bajado and João. Also often does exhibitions.