Escadaria Selarón, locally known as the 'Lapa Steps' for being situated at the "Lapa" neighborhood, is a set of world-famous steps in Rio…
Beco do Batman is the nickname for the area around Rua Gonçalo Afonso and Rua Medeiros de Albuquerque in the Vila Madalena neighborhood of…
Favela Painting is the name of a series of community artwork in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil painted by Dutch artists Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre…
Marco Zero is a geographic monument in downtown São Paulo. In 1934, the marble milestone was installed in front of the São Paulo Cathedral…
Das Cidade das Artes ist ein Veranstaltungskomplex im Stadtteil Barra da Tijuca in der Stadt Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien.
Der Praça Quinze de Novembro oder auch kurz Praça XV ist ein öffentlicher Platz in der Centro e Centro Histórico, der zentralen Zone von…