Piazza del Popolo is a city square in Ascoli Piceno, Italy.
Der Dom Sant’Emidio in der italienischen Provinzhauptstadt Ascoli Piceno ist die Kathedrale des gleichnamigen Bistums.
The Basilica di San Francesco is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church located on the Piazza del Popolo in the town of Ascoli Piceno in the…
Santissima Annunziata was a Roman Catholic church dedicated to most holy annunciation in Ascoli Piceno.
Das Stadio Cino e Lillo Del Duca ist ein Fußballstadion in der italienischen Stadt Ascoli Piceno.
Das Stadio Cino e Lillo Del Duca ist ein Fußballstadion in der italienischen Stadt Ascoli Piceno.
The Sant'Emidio Red Temple is a church of Ascoli Piceno in Italy. Its name refers to Saint Emygdius, patron saint of the city.
Die Liste antiker Theaterbauten erfasst möglichst vollständig die erhaltenen wie die lediglich in Quellen erwähnten Theaterbauten der…
The Diocesan Museum in the Italian town of Ascoli Piceno is located in one wing of the ecclesiastical palazzo, which also contains the city…
The Piazza Arringo, also known as the piazza dell'Arengo, is the oldest monumental piazza in the city of Ascoli Piceno.
San Vittore is a Romanesque and Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church located in the town of Ascoli Piceno in the region of Marche, Italy.
Sant'Emidio alle Grotte is a Baroque church in Ascoli Piceno, Italy.Its name refers to Saint Emygdius.
The Ascoli Piceno Baptistery, also known as the baptistery of Saint John, is a religious building found on the eastern end of the piazza…