Bom Jesus do Monte ist ein römisch-katholisches Heiligtum in Tenões am östlichen Stadtrand von Braga in Nordportugal.
Die Kathedrale von Braga zählt zu den bedeutendsten Baudenkmälern der Stadt Braga im Norden von Portugal.
The Castle of Guimarães, is the principal medieval castle in the municipality Guimarães, in the northern region of Portugal.
The Ducal Palace of the Braganza or Palace of the Dukes of Braganza is a medieval estate and former residence of the first Dukes of…
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira is a collegiate church in Guimarães, Portugal. It is classified as a National Monument.
The Arch of the New Gate is a Baroque and Neoclassical arch, designed by André Soares in the late 18th century, in the civil parish of Sé,…
Die Basilika Unserer Lieben Frau von Sameiro ist eine römisch-katholische Kirche mit dem Status einer Basilica minor und eines…
The Residence of Biscainhos, is a former-signeurial residence located in civil parish of Braga, in the municipality of Braga, in northern…
São Frutuoso de Montélios ist ein relativ kleiner westgotischer Sakralbau aus dem 7. Jahrhundert n.
This serene beach surrounded by pines and dunes is a superb place for body-boarders, surfers or windsurfers to practice their sports.
Kloster Tibães ist eine ehemalige Benediktinerabtei und liegt in der Gemeinde Mire de Tibães, Distrikt Braga, in Portugal.
The Castle of Arnóia is a medieval castle in civil parish of Arnóia, municipality of Celorico de Basto, the district of Braga.
Die Universität Minho ist eine staatliche Universität im Norden Portugals mit zwei Standorten:
Casa do Penedo is an architectural monument located between Celorico de Basto and Fafe, in northern Portugal.
Igreja Matriz de Barcelos is a church in Barcelos, Portugal. It is classified as a National Monument.
The Castle of Faria is a castle in the northern Portuguese civil parish of Gilmonde, municipality of Barcelos, in the Cávado.
The Bridge of Prado is a bridge constructed over the Cávado River, in the civil parish of Vila de Prado, municipality of Vila Verde, in…
Das Estádio Cidade de Barcelos ist ein Fußballstadion in der portugiesischen Stadt Barcelos, Distrikt Braga in der Região Norte.