Die Folger Shakespeare Library ist eine unabhängige Forschungseinrichtung in Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Wenn Sie nach frischen Lebensmitteln, regionalen Produkten und Kunsthandwerk suchen, ist dies der richtige Ort für Sie.
In einem gepflegten zweistöckigen Gebäude gelegen, ist dieser Joint das Paradies für jeden Pizza-Liebhaber.
Nur einen kurzen Spaziergang vom Capitol entfernt bietet dieses beliebte Restaurant seit 2008 sowohl Einheimischen als auch Touristen…
Rose's Luxury is a restaurant on Barracks Row in Washington, D.C., created by chef-owner Aaron Silverman.
Seward Square is a square and park maintained by the National Park Service located at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and North…
Bullfeathers of Capitol Hill is a restaurant and bar on 410 First Street SE in Washington, D.C., in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.
St. Peter's Church, also referred to as St. Peter's on Capitol Hill, is a Roman Catholic church located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C…
The Old Naval Hospital is a historic building located at 921 Pennsylvania Avenue, Southeast Washington, D.C., in the Capitol Hill…
The C Street Center is a three-story brick townhouse in Washington, D.C. operated by The Fellowship. It is the former convent for nearby St.
Pineapple & Pearls is a restaurant located on Barracks Row in Washington, D.C., serving a fixed-price multi-course dinner.
Friendship House is a Georgian townhouse, located at 619 D Street,, Southeast, Washington, D.C., in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.