Das Castillo de la Luz ist eine früher am Meer gelegene Festung im Norden von Las Palmas de Gran Canaria auf den Kanarischen Inseln.
Der Playa de Las Canteras liegt im Nordwesten von Las Palmas de Gran Canaria im Stadtteil Santa Catalina.
Something like an open-air museum, this “village” complex designed by Néstor promotes the traditional life and crafts.
Die Kathedrale Santa Ana steht im Stadtteil Vegueta, dem ältesten Teil der Stadt Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Jardín Botánico Canario Viera y Clavijo ist der volle Name des botanischen Gartens auf der kanarischen Insel Gran Canaria.
Die Haupteinkaufsstraße auf Gran Canaria, wo Sie die exklusivsten Geschäfte finden.
Surrounded by many restaurants, bars and clubs, this park is a place to go if you want to experience the nightlife of Las Palmas.
Street markets that are stocked up with everything: from great variety of local products and handicrafts to food and electronics.
Urban beach with placid and shallow water is the perfect place for various activities such as canoeing.
This building used to house the first theatre in Gran Canaria. Now it serves as a club and exclusive French restaurant La Galeria.
The main square where the most important buildings – the Town Hall and the majestic Catedral de Canarias – are located.
La Isleta Lighthouse is an active 19th century lighthouse on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria in the Canary islands.
Legend has it, that Christopher Columbus used to pray in this tiny Romanesque church for the success of his sailing journey.