Die Ansiedlung Manuel Antonio und der dazugehörige Nationalpark Manuel Antonio liegen an der Pazifikküste im Süden Costa Ricas, sieben…
Der Nationalpark Corcovado liegt im westlichen Teil der Halbinsel Osa im Südwesten von Costa Rica.
In this national park you can see various geological formations such as underwater rocks, then mangrove forests and beaches.
This beach is multi-purpose - you can come here for a great day of swimming or scuba diving or to experience the local nightlife.
Die mehr als 350 Steinkugeln von Costa Rica sind präkolumbianische Artefakte.
La Managua Airport is an airport approximately 3 kilometres east of the Pacific coastal city of Quepos, Costa Rica, serving this city as…
Luz de Mono is a property surrounded by a natural garden and its wildlife, and offers its guests an outdoor pool overlooking the Gulf of…