The Longhua Temple is a Buddhist temple dedicated to the Maitreya Buddha in Shanghai.
The Shanghai Botanical Garden is a botanic garden located in the southwestern suburbs of Shanghai, China, in the Xuhui District.
Die St.-Ignatius-Kathedrale ist eine neugotische katholische Kathedrale in Schanghai.
One of the best tea houses in Shanghai. Wonderful selection of tea and snacks, great ambiance included.
Hengshan Road, formerly Avenue Pétain, is a street in the former French Concession of Shanghai, China.
The Yuz Museum Shanghai is a non-profit organization under the umbrella of the Yuz Foundation.
Xujiahui is a locality in Shanghai. It is a historic area of commerce and culture administratively within Xuhui District, which is named…
This site has a very moved history. Many people were executed here during the Guomingdang crackdown in 1920s.
This spa chain provides traditional Chinese treatments. Having a foot massage or whole body treatment here is a delight.
Das Shanghai-Stadion ist ein Fußballstadion mit Leichtathletikanlage in der chinesischen Metropole Shanghai.
The C. Y. Tung Maritime Museum is located in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China.
Die Technische Universität Ostchinas ist eine Universität in Shanghai, China. Sie ist eine renommierte Hochschule für technische Fächer.
If you're around and have a liking to art, stop by and check out their temporary exhibitions.