Sarmiento historic museum

Lokaler NameMuseo Histórico Sarmiento
LageBelgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentinien

The Sarmiento History Museum, located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Belgrano, is a museum dedicated to Argentine history, and in particular to the Generation of '80 and the life of President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, a writer and political figure who was President of Argentina between 1868 and 1874.

There are also sections that show the literary works of Nicolás Avellaneda, his presidential successor and about the revolution caused by the federalization of Buenos Aires in 1880, when the national government had to abandon its location in downtown Buenos Aires and move to the building where the museum is today in Belgrano, then the outskirts of the city.

Tags Verstecktes JuwelMuseumHistorisches Museum
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Telefon +54 11 4783-7555

Koordinaten -34°33'39.644" N -58°27'15.204" E

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