
Lokaler NamePaxmal
LageSt. Gallen, Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra

The Paxmal is a peace monument built by Karl Bickel between 1924 and 1949, in Walenstadtberg above Walenstadt, in front of the Churfirsten mountain range Switzerland.The left wall depicts the earthly life: a human couple in its existence and development, love and procreation. The right wall is devoted to the spiritual life: the beings who are awakened, struggling, and which keep growing. Karl Bickel was a Swiss artist who worked for the Swiss Post as a stamps graphic designer.

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Adresse 8 Grundweg, Hochrugg 8881, Switzerland

Koordinaten 47°8'32.193" N 9°16'13.004" E

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