Ponte Sublicio

Lokaler NamePonte Sublicio
LageRom, Italien

Ponte Sublicio, also known as Ponte Aventino or Ponte Marmoreo, is a bridge linking Piazza dell'Emporio to Piazza di Porta Portese in Rome, in the Rioni Ripa, Trastevere and Testaccio and in the Quartiere Portuense.

The most ancient bridge in Rome crossed river Tiber just downstream of the Tiber Island, in correspondence with the former ford that, during the protohistoric age, was a required stop along the north-south way, at the feet of the Aventine Hill. Its building has been ascribed to King Ancus Marcius by Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus.

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Puente Sublicio @ Krolosus Krolosez
Rom: Führung zur Engelsburg und zum Petersplatz ab 69 USD
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Mehr Informationen und Kontakt

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponte_Sublicio

Adresse Ponte Sublicio, Roma 00153, Italy

Koordinaten 41°52'59.822" N 12°28'30.708" E

Touren und Aktivitäten: Ponte Sublicio

Rom: Führung zur Engelsburg und zum Petersplatz

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ab 69 USD

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