Andrés Guazurary

Local nameAndrés Guacurarí
LocationGarupá, Argentina

Andrés Guaçurary or Andrés Guazurarí, popularly known as

Andresito was a caudillo of the province of Misiones, present-day Argentina, and was the province's governor between 1811 and 1822. He was one of the first federal caudillos of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata and the only one of indigenous origin in Argentine history.He was born in the misión of Santo Tomé, Corrientes or São Borja to a Guarani family. He was taken as a foster child by José Gervasio Artigas who allowed him to sign as Andrés Artigas, to avoid being excluded by his Guarani origins.

He served in the Army of the North of Manuel Belgrano, in the Artiguista Army in the Portuguese conquest of the Banda Oriental, as General Commander. He died in Rio de Janeiro in 1825.

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More information and contact


Address RP-206, Garupa, Argentina

Coordinates -27°27'42.119" N -55°49'20.288" E

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