Arco del Pópulo is an archway of the city of Cádiz, southern Spain. It has been declared a Bien de Interés Cultural site.The Arco del Pópulo in the city of Cádiz is the primitive Puerta del Mar, because it accessed the port area, and was flanked by two cubes. At the beginning of the 17th century, the chapel of Nuestra Señora del Pópulo was built before it, which has given it the appearance of a passageway that it presents today. The characteristics of the interior wall match the building techniques of the Islamic walls of the tenth and eleventh centuries, while the arched, arched, it is very possible that originally was horseshoe. The arrangement of its voussoirs makes it possible to situate it in the 12th century, in the Almohad period, like the entire original perimeter wall.
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Address 3B Calle de Fabio Rufino, Cádiz 11005, Spain
Coordinates 36°31'46.383" N -6°17'37.003" E