Castro of Chibanes

Local nameCastro de Chibanes
LocationPalmela, Portugal

The Castro of Chibanes is located in the Arrábida Nature Park, on the Serra do Louro, in the municipality of Palmela in the Setúbal District of Portugal, about 25 km south of the capital of Lisbon, which can be seen from the site. The Castro, or hill fort, is located at the top of the hill, naturally defended by a scarp to the south. It covers about one hectare and was first occupied in about 2900 BC, during the Chalcolithic or Copper Age. It is registered as a Zona Especial de Protecção and also classified as a Sitio de Interesse Público.

Tags Open 24/7Archaeological SiteFortificationNature ReserveHeritage
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Coordinates 38°33'50.791" N -8°55'7.217" E

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