Docomo shop

Local nameドコモショップ
LocationTokyo, Japan

NTT Docomo Inc. is a Japanese mobile phone operator. The name is officially an abbreviation of the phrase, "do communications over the mobile network", and is also from a compound word dokomo, meaning "everywhere" in Japanese. Docomo provides phone, video phone, i-mode, and mail services. The company's headquarters are in the Sanno Park Tower, Nagatachō, Chiyoda, Tokyo. NTT Docomo is the largest wireless carrier in Japan, with 82.632 million subscribers as of March 2021.Docomo had been spun off from Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in August 1991 to take over the mobile cellular operations, although the parent company had the majority stake until the re-privatization in 2020. It provides 2G PDC cellular services, 3G W-CDMA, 4G LTE and 5G NR services. Its businesses also included PHS, paging, and satellite. Docomo ceased offering a PHS service on January 7, 2008. In late 2020, Docomo was bought back by NTT for about $40 billion.

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More information and contact


Official Website

Phone 042-528-5911

Address Tachikawa, Japan

Coordinates 35°41'48.527" N 139°24'51.484" E

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