Gifudaibutsu (Shouhouji)

Local name岐阜大仏(正法寺)
LocationGifu, Japan

Shōhō-ji is a Buddhist temple of the Ōbaku school of Buddhism in Gifu, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. It is a branch temple of Mampuku-ji in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture. The temple has many aspects of the Ōbaku school, but its building style and sacraments are in the Chinese style. Additionally, it is much larger than the average Japanese temple. The temple's official name is Kinpōzan Shōhō-ji.

Tags BuddhistPlace of WorshipTemple
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Opening hours

April to October: 9:00am - 6:00pm
November to March: 9:00am - 5:00pm


Adult: 200yen
Child: 100yen

More information and contact


Coordinates 35°25'56.655" N 136°46'18.741" E

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