Kilise Tepe

Local nameKilisetepe Höyüğü
LocationÇanakkale, Turkey

Kilise Tepe is a mound in Mersin Province, Turkey, just west of the Göksu River, lying 20 kilometers from Mut and 145 kilometers from Mersin. It was initially known as Maltepe which is actually the name of a site on the other bank of the river about four kilometers to the west. The original name of the mound is not known and Kilise Tepe in Turkish means "church-hill" referring to a church ruin. The site is thought to have been part of the land of Tarḫuntašša, formed when Muwatalli II moved the Hittite capital.

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More information and contact


Address Eceabat 17900, Turkey

Coordinates 40°11'5.098" N 26°21'21.861" E

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