Kohvik Moon

Local nameKohvik MOON
LocationPõhja-Tallinn, Estonia

Kohvik Moon is a restaurant in Tallinn, Estonia, located near the Viking Line harbour.

The restaurant focuses on slavic food. Despite its small size and non-central location, it is so popular that since its opening in December 2009, the restaurant was almost full of customers every day for several months, and its owners often had to work almost round the clock. The restaurant was chosen as the best restaurant in Tallinn of the year in 2010.

Tags Russian CuisineRestaurantCafé
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Opening hours

Mon - Sat: noon - 11 pm
Sun: 1 pm - 9 pm

Note: Every year in JULY closed for summer holiday!

More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohvik_Moon

Official Website https://www.kohvikmoon.ee/

Facebook https://et-ee.facebook.com/kohvikmoon

Twitter https://twitter.com/kohvikmoon

Email kohvik@kohvikmoon.ee

Phone +372 6 314 575

Address Võrgu 3, 10415 Tallinn, Estonia

Coordinates 59°26'42.487" N 24°44'52.165" E

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