Museum of Spanish Contemporary Art

Local nameFundació Joan March
LocationPalma, Spain

A grand 18th century colonial building housing modern works of art from some of the best Spanish and international artists around.

The gallery permanently houses over 70 works of art from famous artists including Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Juan Gris and Joan Miró. There is also a collection of contemporary art which is constantly changing, and an assembly hall for cultural activities such as concerts, lectures and even classes for children.

Tags Joan MiróSpanish ArtSalvador DalíContemporary ArtReadings/LecturesPablo PicassoConcertArt GalleryMuseumFreeHidden Gem
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Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 10 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Sat: 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.



More information and contact


Official website


Phone + 34 971 713 515

Address Sant Miquel, 11 07002 Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain

Coordinates 39°34'19.718" N 2°39'7.323" E

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