Randers Fjord

Local nameRanders Fjord

Randers Fjord is a 30 km long Danish fjord in Northern Europe leading to the sea of Kattegat, between Denmark and Sweden. The fjord is the outlet from Denmark's longest river, Gudenå. The upper 13 km, starting at the town Randers, looks more like a broad river than a fjord. The lower 17 km have extensive reed plains bordering the shores To some extent this inhibits the recreational use of and access to the fjord. In some places, the reed beds are harvested for traditional roof thatching. The shallow eastern part of the fjord is known as Grund Fjord, being an extension of Alling Å.

Two small ferries cross Randers Fjord regularly. One is located half way between Randers and the sea, at the small village of Voer, with a capacity of 3 - 4 cars, crossing the fjord to Mellerup. The other ferry at Udbyhøj is close to Randers Fjords outlet to the sea.

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Udby Kirke @ Sebastian Nils

More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randers_Fjord

Address 8950, Denmark

Coordinates 56°32'10.076" N 10°14'10.566" E

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