ZooParc de Beauval

Local nameZooParc de Beauval

The ZooParc de Beauval, more commonly called Beauval Zoo or, more simply, Beauval, is a French zoological park located in Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire. It features more than 35,000 animals on 40 hectares, which is one of the largest animal collections in France and in Europe. Created in 1980 by Françoise Delord, it is now run by her son, Rodolphe Delord, and managed by his family, which owns most of the capital.

Beauval was often the first zoo to have some animals in France, which contributed to its reputation and to its development. It has been the first zoo in France to present leucistic big cats, white tigers and white lions, in the 1990s. Still today, many species are rare in France, such as the okapi and the tree kangaroos, or unique, such as the koala and the giant panda.

Tags Wheelchair AccessibleZoo
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More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZooParc_de_Beauval

Official Website https://www.zoobeauval.com/

Phone +33 2 54 75 50 00

Coordinates 47°14'49.908" N 1°20'53.16" E

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