Esta plaza mayor es el corazón histórico de Brujas y está llena de maravillosos monumentos, como el campanario, el Palacio Provincial y la…
Es imposible que esta enorme construcción pase desapercibida. La torre de la iglesia, con una altura de 115 metros, es la segunda torre de…
Con casi dos milenios de historia siendo habitada por los seres humanos, esta pequeña plaza es el corazón histórico de la ciudad.
Este lugar es el punto de inicio de muchos viajes en barco y ofrece una de las vistas más espectaculares de toda Brujas.
Este campanario de 83 metros de altura es uno de los monumentos más importantes de Brujas.
La basílica de la Santa Sangre es una basílica menor de culto católico ubicada en Brujas, Bélgica.
Also known as the 'Love Lake'. Surrounded by a park and has a terrace facing the lake for the perfect view.
Este complejo fue el hogar de las Beguines, mujeres de un movimiento espiritual cristiano del siglo XIII.
La catedral de San Salvador, construida entre los siglos XIII-XIV, es la iglesia más antigua de Brujas.
A spacious, beautiful park close to the city centre. There's a children's play area and a small pond.
One of the four gates that served as an entry point to the city in the Middle Ages. Looks different from inside and from outside.
Mills were built on the city walls and used for grinding wheat into flour. Nowadays, four of them are still working and located here.
A Gothic church used to stand here, but was replaced by this marvellous Baroque church with a mural of the Last Judgement.
Built in the age of pilgrimages to Jerusalem and based on Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with a representation of Christ's grave.
An international cloister with branches around the world housing an Augustinian community. Contains an English library.
Charming houses from the 17th century contain a display on the city's various arts and crafts. Fresh sweets made every Thursday.
A graceful castle surrounded by a moat and a beautiful park. No inside excursions, because the castle now houses a hotel.