Este restaurante es famoso por sus dumplings rellenos de carne de cerdo.
Daan Forest Park is a public park near the centre of the Da'an District of Taipei, Taiwan.
An unique sweetshop focused on various desserts made of ice cream. If you like ice cream this place is must-see.
Din Tai Fung is a Taiwanese restaurant chain specializing in Chinese cuisine.
The Wistaria Tea House, the Wisteria House, or Wistaria House is a historical teahouse in Daan District, Taipei, Taiwan.
La Universidad Nacional de Taiwán es una institución académica que se encuentra en la ciudad taiwanesa de Taipéi.
An interesting modern Catholic church. The church itself is decorated with 18th century reliefs depicting stories from the Bible.
Eslite Bookstore is one of the largest retail bookstore chains in Taiwan.
National Taiwan Normal University is a national comprehensive university in Taipei and New Taipei City, Taiwan.
The Taipei Grand Mosque or Taipei Zheng He Mosque is the largest and oldest mosque in Taiwan.
The American Institute in Taiwan is the de facto Embassy of the United States of America in Taiwan.
Taiwan Mobile es la compañía de telecomunicaciones más grande de Taiwán, que incluye 3G, comunicaciones móviles 4G y ofertas de servicios…
National Taipei University of Technology is a public university in Taipei, Taiwan.
The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology is a public university located in Taipei, Taiwan.
National Taipei University of Education is a university located in Daan District, Taipei, Taiwan that predominantly focuses on teacher…
Chinese Television System, es una estación de televisión abierta en la República de China.
The Workshop of Advanced Academy of Agronomy and Forestry is a historical laboratory at National Taiwan University in Da'an District,…
Zhongxiao Fuxing is a metro station in Taipei, Taiwan served by Taipei Metro. It is with a 20.688 million entries and exits in 2017.
El Templo de Taipéi es uno de los templos construidos y operados por La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días, el número…
The Museum of Anthropology of National Taiwan University is a museum at the NTU main campus in Da'an District, Taipei, Taiwan.
Taipei Private Yan Ping High School is located in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan.