El Bastei es una formación rocosa de Alemania que se eleva 194 metros por encima del río Elba, en las montañas de arenisca del Elba.
La fortaleza de Königstein, a veces apodada la "Bastilla sajona", es una fortificación situada en lo alto de una montaña en la región de la…
Este encantador castillo data del siglo XII. Más tarde se restauró y se mezclaron más estilos arquitectónicos, lo que lo convierte en una…
Hohnstein Castle is a medieval castle in the village of the same name, Hohnstein in Saxon Switzerland in the Free State of Sachsen in East…
Altrathen Castle is located on a rock outcrop near Rathen in Saxon Switzerland in the German Free State of Saxony.
The Mönch is a rock pinnacle and popular climbing peak in Saxon Switzerland in Germany near the spa town of Rathen.
Los Testigos de Jehová son una denominación cristiana milenarista y restauracionista con creencias antitrinitaristas distintas de las…
El centro de exterminio nazi de Sonnenstein era un centro de exterminio de la Alemania nazi ubicado en la antigua fortaleza del castillo de…
Dohna Castle on the once important medieval trade route from Saxony to Bohemia was the ancestral castle seat of the Burgraves of Dohna.
Lilienstein is a highly distinctive mountain in Saxon Switzerland, in Saxony, southeastern Germany, and was once the site of a Bohemian…
Peter Henlein, un cerrajero y relojero de Núremberg, a menudo es considerado el inventor del cronometrador portátil, haciendo de él el…
The Angel Church is an Evangelical-Lutheran church in Hinterhermsdorf which overlooks this Saxon village.
Freital-Potschappel station is a station on the Dresden–Werdau railway in the district of Potschappel of the municipality of Freital in the…
The Gohrisch is a table hill in the German region of Saxon Switzerland, left of the River Elbe in Saxony.
Papststein is a mountain of Saxony, southeastern Germany.
Kleinhennersdorfer Stein is a mountain of Saxony, southeastern Germany.