Alden Biesen is a 16th-century castle in Belgium, located in the small village of Rijkhoven in the municipality of Bilzen in the province…
Munsterbilzen Abbey was an abbey of Benedictine nuns in Munsterbilzen, Limburg, Belgium, founded in around 670 by Saint Landrada.
La basílica de Nuestra Señora, o antigua catedral de Nuestra Señora, es el principal lugar de culto católico en la ciudad de Tongeren,…
Alden Biesen is a 16th-century castle in the small village of Rijkhoven, municipality of Bilzen, province of Limburg, Belgium.
Heers Castle is a castle in Heers, Province of Limburg, Belgium.
Aspremont-Lynden Castle is a castle in Oud-Rekem in the municipality of Lanaken, province of Limburg, Belgium.
El parque nacional Hoge Kempen es el primer parque nacional en la región flamenca de Bélgica.
The Gallo-Roman Museum is an archeological museum in Tongeren. It is dedicated to the prehistorical times and Roman age of the region in…