La Universidad Duke es una universidad privada ubicada en Durham, Carolina del Norte.
La Universidad Duke es una universidad privada estadounidense, ubicada en Durham, Carolina del Norte.
El Duke Lemur Center es un centro de investigación de primates perteneciente a la Universidad Duke, creado para promover la investigación y…
The Durham Performing Arts Center opened November 30, 2008 as the largest performing arts center in the Carolinas at a cost of $48 million.
Duke University Chapel is a chapel located at the center of the campus of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, United States.
The Museum of Life and Science—previously known as the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science and the NC Children's Museum—is an 84-acre…
El Jardines de Sarah P. Duke, en inglés: Sarah P.
The Nasher Museum of Art is the art museum of Duke University, and is located on Duke's campus in Durham, North Carolina, United States.
Duke Homestead State Historic Site is a state historic site and National Historic Landmark in Durham, North Carolina.
West Point on the Eno is a city park and historical center covering 412 acres in Durham, Durham County, North Carolina.
The Norfolk Southern–Gregson Street Overpass is a railroad bridge in Durham, North Carolina, United States, which was designed in the 1920s…