La rotonda de San Lorenzo es una antigua iglesia italiana de origen medieval, ubicada en la piazza delle Erbe, en Mantua, que fue…
La basílica de San Andrés es una iglesia católica italiana de estilo renacentista erigida en Mantua, Lombardía.
La catedral de San Pedro Apóstol es el principal centro de culto de la ciudad italiana de Mantua, así como la sede de la diócesis homónima.
The Chiesa di San Francesco is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Mantua, Italy, at Piazza San Francesco d'Assisi 5.
The Basilica Palatina di Santa Barbara is the Palatine Chapel of the House of Gonzaga in Mantua, Italy.
La iglesia de San Sebastián es un templo renacentista situado en Mantua, en el norte de Italia.
The Church of Sant'Egidio is located in the historic center of Mantua on Via Pietro Frattini.
The Church of Sant'Orsola in Mantua, Italy, was designed and built in 1608 by Antonio Maria Viani, the architect of the ducal court of the …
San Barnaba is a Roman Catholic church located at the intersection of Via Giovanni Chiassi and Via Carlo Poma in Mantua, Lombardy, Italy.
The Ognissanti is a Baroque style, Roman Catholic church located on Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Mantua, Lombardy, Italy.
The Church of the Madonna del Terremoto is a small Baroque style, Roman Catholic church in central Mantua, region of Lombardy, Italy.