El pico Lenin o pico Ibn Sina es una montaña localizada en la cordillera Trans-Alai, en el macizo de los Pamires, concretamente en los…
El lago Karakul, Kara-Kul o Qarokul es un lago endorreico de 25 km de diámetro en la cordillera del Pamir en Tayikistán, situado a 3.900 m…
El pico Ismail Samani es una montaña de la cordillera de Pamir, localizada en Tayikistán, con una altitud de 7495 metros.
The Trans-Alay Range is the northernmost range of the Pamir Mountain System.
The Trans-Alay Range is the northernmost range of the Pamir Mountain System.
The Trans-Alay Range is the northernmost range of the Pamir Mountain System.
Yashilkul is a freshwater lake in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province, in southeast Tajikistan, about 130 kilometres east of the…
Bulunkul is a shallow, freshwater lake in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province, in southeast Tajikistan, about 130 km east of the…
The Kulma Pass or Qolma Pass, also referred to as Karasu Pass, is a mountain pass across the Pamir Mountains on the border between Murghob…