La casa de Alberto Durero es una Fachwerkhaus de Núremberg, que fue el hogar del artista renacentista alemán Alberto Durero desde 1509…
El Museo Nacional Germano o Germánico se halla en la ciudad de Núremberg y colinda con la Calle de los Derechos Humanos.
Esta torre medieval roja solía proteger la Puerta Spittletor que se encontraba en el camino a Schwabach.
The Documentation Center Nazi Party Rallying Grounds is a museum in Nuremberg.
The Historische Kunstbunker is a tunnel complex under Nuremberg Castle in the old city of Nuremberg, southern Germany.
This museum is the best place to learn about Nuremberg's history. The Renaissance buildings house an exhaustive history exhibition.
A guided tour will lead you through the dungeons where prisoners were waiting for their sentence. Live or die!
You'll love the tour of the casemates of Nuremberg. They used to be secret and were used as defensive chambers and water storage.