The Church of the Holy Trinity is an Anglican church located at Trinity Square in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
La Basílica de Nuestra Señora Inmaculada Es una basílica menor católica y una iglesia parroquial localizada en Guelph, Ontario, Canadá.
La Basílica de San Pablo Es la congregación católica más antigua en Toronto, provincia de Ontario, Canadá.
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine is a prominent Ukrainian Catholic church in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
St. Andrew's Church is a historic Presbyterian church located at the corner of King Street West and Simcoe Street in the city's downtown…
La Basílica de San Patricio Es una iglesia católica en Ottawa, Ontario, Canadá. Localizada en la calle de 281 Nepean en la parte central…
Christ Church Cathedral is the Anglican cathedral in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
St. Paul's-Eastern United Church is one of the oldest congregations in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
La Basílica Catedral de Cristo Rey es una iglesia católica en Hamilton, Ontario, Canadá.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church is a Catholic church in the Glebe neighbourhood of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
St. George's Cathedral in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, is the cathedral church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario.