La catedral de San Alejandro o simplemente catedral de Bérgamo es una catedral católica en Bérgamo, Italia, dedicada a San Alejandro de…
La catedral de San Alejandro o simplemente catedral de Bérgamo es una catedral católica en Bérgamo, Italia, dedicada a San Alejandro de…
La capilla Colleoni es una capilla/mausoleo en la ciudad italiana de Bérgamo.
The view from the top of this medieval tower is gorgeous. Make sure to book your visit in advance at the information desk downstairs.
San Michele al Pozzo Bianco is a church in the upper town of Bergamo, on a small piazza of the same name, near Porta Sant'Agostino, on Via…
Sant'Andrea is a Neoclassic church in Bergamo, rebuilt by Ferdinando Crivelli in 1837.
El Jardín Botánico de Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota" en italiano : Orto Botanico di Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota" es un jardín botánico de 1357 metros…
est. 1760) of , , is a founded by . Its headquarters occupy the Palazzo Nuovo di Bergamo on the Piazza Vecchia.
Civic Museum of Natural Science Enrico Caffi is a natural history museum in Bergamo, Italy.
The Tempietto di Santa Croce is a small octagonal Romanesque chapel found in the upper city of Bergamo, near the Santa Maria Maggiore.
Astino Abbey is a former Roman Catholic monastery in the Astino Valley, in the Province of Bergamo, region of Lombardy, Italy.
Liceo Classico Paolo Sarpi is a prominent public high school in Bergamo, Lombardy, northern Italy, because of the methodology combining…
The Palazzo Moroni is a palace located on Via Porta #12 in the historic center of the upper town of Bergamo, Italy.