El Ferrocarril de Semmering es un tramo del Ferrocarril del Sur de Austria que corre desde Gloggnitz, sobre el Semmering, hasta…
The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria.
The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria.
El Schneeberg, con su alta cumbre del Klosterwappen de 2076 m, es la montaña más alta de la Baja Austria, y la montaña más oriental de los…
Preiner Gscheid Pass is a high mountain pass in the Austrian Alps in the Bundesland of Lower Austria.
The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria.