The cathedral Maria Himmelfahrt is the parish church of the South Tyrolean capital Bolzano and cathedral of the Diocese of Bozen-Brixen.
The earth pyramids of Ritten are a natural monument that is located on the Ritten, a plateau not far from Bolzano in northern Italy.
El Jardines del Castillo Trauttmansdorff es un jardín botánico de 12 hectáreas de extensión, donde además se ubica el Touriseum è il Museo…
La Abadía de Säben o el Monasterio de Sabiona es un convento benedictino situado cerca de Chiusa en Tirol del Sur, al norte de Italia.
The earth pyramids of Ritten are a natural monument that is located on the Ritten, a plateau not far from Bolzano in northern Italy.
The earth pyramids of Ritten are a natural monument that is located on the Ritten, a plateau not far from Bolzano in northern Italy.