La gran mezquita en Xi'an es una de las mayores mezquitas de toda la República Popular China.
La pequeña pagoda de ganso salvaje, es una de las dos pagodas más importantes de la dinastía Tang en la ciudad de Xi'an, en la provincia…
Famen Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Famen town, Fufeng County, 120 kilometers west of Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.
The Xingjiao Temple is located in Shaoling Yuan, Chang'an District of Xi'an.
Caotang Temple is a Buddhist temple located on the north hillside of Mount Guifeng, in Huyi District of Xi'an, Shaanxi, China.
The Xiyue Temple is a Chinese Taoist temple located at the foot of the Mount Hua of the city of Huayin in the northwest of the Shaanxi…