Este edificio alberga el modelo ferroviario más grande de la República Checa, que entretendrá tanto a niños como a adultos.
El Nový Smíchov es un centro comercial ubicado al oeste del centro de Praga en la República Checa. Abrió sus puertas en 2001.
Are you interested in contemporary art? Visit this unique 3-storey art gallery where numerous and unusual art exhibitions take place.
MeetFactory es un centro internacional de arte contemporáneo de Praga, República Checa. Fue fundado en 2001 por David Černý.
Bertramka is a villa in Prague where Mozart was a frequent guest. Bertramka is now a museum dedicated to the memory of Mozart and to the…
The Golden Angel is an administrative complex situated in Prague. The designer was French architect Jean Nouvel.The structure is located in… is a web portal and search engine in the Czech Republic. Founded in 1996 by Ivo Lukačovič in Prague as the first web portal in the…