Muzeum Piernika is a museum located in medieval old town of Toruń, Poland, that is famous for its gingerbread.
La Torre inclinada de Toruń es una torre medieval inclinada ubicada en el centro de Toruń.
The Copernicus House in Toruń is a historic, Gothic tenement house in Toruń, Poland, which belonged to the Copernicus family in the second…
El castillo de Torún es un castillo teutónico del siglo XIII situado en Torún.
La catedral de Toruń, la antigua iglesia de los santos Juan el Bautista y Juan el Evangelista de la ciudad polaca de Toruń, es desde 1992…
Gem of the New town. 14th century church notable for its twin-shaped tower. Note the rare statue of Black Christ in the first aisle.
The Baj Pomorski Theatre was started by Irena Pikiel-Samorewiczowa – an artist, painter, and repatriate from Vilnius who came to Bydgoszcz…
Toruń Regional Museum, located in the Ratusz hall of Toruń, is one of the oldest and largest museums in Poland.
This fountain comprises of more than hundred spouts symbolising the orbits of planets - a memorial to Copernicus.