Esta espectacular catedral del siglo XII es una de las iglesias más importantes en Viena y la sede de su arzobispo.
El hermano menor del emperador austriaco Francisco José I mandó construir esta iglesia para agradecerle a Dios que le hubiera salvado la…
Cuando explores el centro de la ciudad de Viena, tienes que fijarte en esta iglesia medio escondida del siglo XVIII, y es que este lugar de…
Maria am Gestade es una de las iglesias más antiguas de Viena y uno de los pocos ejemplos que quedan en la ciudad de arquitectura gótica.
Kirche am Steinhof, also called the Church of St. Leopold, is the Roman Catholic oratory of the Otto-Wagner-Spital in the area of Steinhof…
St. Francis of Assisi Church, also known as the Emperor's Jubilee Church and the Mexico Church, is a Basilica-style Catholic church in…
Am Schöpfwerk Church is a Roman Catholic parish church, dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi, and is the most recently built church in…
The Vienna Islamic Centre is the largest mosque in Austria, located in Vienna's 21st district Floridsdorf.
St. Charles Borromeo Cemetery Church is a Roman Catholic church in the Vienna Central Cemetery in the 11th district, Simmering.
The Lichtental Parish Church is the Catholic parish church of Lichtental, now part of Vienna, Austria.
La iglesia de la Santísima Trinidad o iglesia Wotruba es un templo católico de estilo brutalista ubicado en Viena.
The Kaasgrabenkirche, also known as the Wallfahrtskirche “Mariä Schmerzen”, is a Roman Catholic parish and pilgrimage church in the suburb…
St. James's Church is one of two Roman Catholic churches in the parish of Heiligenstadt in the 19th district of Vienna, Döbling.