L’église Saint-Martin de Canterbury, comté du Kent, est la plus vieille église d’Angleterre.
All Saints Church in Tudeley, Kent, England, is the only church in the world that has all its windows in stained glass designed by Marc…
La cathédrale de Rochester, ou l'église cathédrale du Christ et la Vierge Marie, est un édifice normand situé à Rochester, dans le comté du…
St Mary Magdalene Woolwich is an 18th-century Anglican church dedicated to St Mary Magdalene in Woolwich, southeast London, England.
St Edmund's Chapel is a church in Dover, England, dedicated to St Edmund.
All Saints is a parish church in Maidstone, Kent. It is a Grade I listed building, and has been described as the grandest Perpendicular…
St Mary of Charity, Faversham Parish Church is the Church of England parish church of the town of Faversham in Kent, England.
St. Mary's Church is a redundant Anglican church in the town of Sandwich, Kent, England.