Ce mur sert toujours et est en constante métamorphose. Il tire son nom des célèbres artistes qui avaient l'habitude d'y exprimer leur art…
Le musée de la ville de New York est un musée fondé en 1923, afin de présenter l'histoire de la ville de New York et ses habitants.
The Ogden Codman House at 7 East 96th Street between Fifth and Madison Avenues was built in 1912-13 as a residence for the architect and…
Patsy's Pizzeria is a historic coal-oven pizzeria in New York City. Opened in 1933, it was regarded as one of New York's original pizzerias…
Fondé en 1969 par un groupe d'artistes, d'éducateurs et de militants portoricains, El Museo del Barrio est situé à Manhattan, dans la ville…
Le pont Robert F. Kennedy, couramment nommé Triborough Bridge, est un complexe composé de trois ponts qui relient les trois arrondissements…
L'hôpital Mont Sinaï,, est un hôpital situé à New York, qui dessert l'Upper East Side de l'arrondissement de Manhattan et le quartier de…
The Islamic Cultural Center of New York is a mosque and an Islamic cultural center in East Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, United States.
Le Centre culturel islamique de New York, en anglais Islamic Cultural Center of New York; est une mosquée et un centre culturel islamique…
St. Lucy's Church is a former parish church of the Parish of St. Lucy, which operated under the authority of the Archdiocese of New York…
The Wards Island Bridge, also known as the 103rd Street Footbridge, is a bridge crossing the Harlem River between Manhattan Island and…
The Wards Island Bridge, also known as the 103rd Street Footbridge, is a bridge crossing the Harlem River between Manhattan Island and…
The Wards Island Bridge, also known as the 103rd Street Footbridge, is a bridge crossing the Harlem River between Manhattan Island and…
Saint Ann's School is a private school located in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City.