Ce zoo primé est bien connu pour avoir le plus grand groupe en captivité d'orangs-outans.
Ce parc zoologique est classé parmi les meilleures attractions touristiques de Singapour car il est le tout premier zoo nocturne du monde.
Le River Safari est un parc zoologique et aquarium singapourien conçu sur le thème des rivières.
The Kranji War Memorial is located at 9 Woodlands Road, in Kranji in northern Singapore.
Causeway Point is the seventh largest suburban shopping mall in Singapore, located in the town centre of Woodlands, a town in the North of…
Ngee Ann Polytechnic is a post-secondary education institution and statutory board under the purview of the Ministry of Education in…
The Kranji War Memorial is located at 9 Woodlands Road, in Kranji in northern Singapore.