The Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute is a state educational institution of higher professional education in Ulyanovsk, Russia.
Ilya Ulyanov State Pedagogical University is a major higher education and research institution in Ulyanovsk. It was established in 1932.
Ulyanovsk State Technical University is a technical higher education and research institution in Ulyanovsk.
Ulyanovsk State University is a public, research university, located in Ulyanovsk, Russia -- the birthplace of Vladimir Lenin.
Alexandre Matveïevitch Matrosov, né à Iekaterinoslav le 5 février 1924 et mort le 22 ou 27 février 1943, est un soldat d'infanterie de l…
L'Iliouchine Il-86 était le premier avion de ligne soviétique à large fuselage, c'est-à-dire présentant des rangées de sièges passagers…
TransTelecom is a major telecommunications company in Russia that owns one of the largest networks in the world of fiber optical cables.