Recouverte de carreaux peints en bleu, cette chapelle unique est située en plein coeur du vieux Porto et vaut vraiment le détour.
The Chapel of Nossa Senhora das Vitórias, dedicated to Our Lady of the Victories, a small funerary chapel on the southwestern corner of…
This tiny hexagonal building is a place with an intriguing view of the ocean and the surrounding beach.
A lovely little chapel situated in picturesque Aveiro old town. Have a quick peek inside while walking through the streets.
La chapelle de São Frutuoso de Montélios est un vestige de l'art wisigothique et surtout le plus important monument préroman du Portugal.
The Hermitage of Nossa Senhora da Conceição is a 16th-century hermitage located in the civil parish of São João Baptista, in the…
Memory Hermitage, also known as the Chapel of Our Lady of Nazaré, is located on the edge of promontory in Nazaré, Portugal.
Alcobertas est une freguesia portugaise située dans le concelho de Rio Maior et le district de Santarém.
Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição is a church in Portugal. It is classified as a National Monument.